Monday, 5 March 2012

About A.C.E. School of Tomorrow

ACE is the acronym for Accelerated Christian Education and was founded by Dr Donald Howard and his wife Esther in the United States in 1970. The ACE program is widely being used in thousands of schools in over 100 different countries worldwide.

ACE goes beyond simply helping students learn the academics required to enter college/varsity (i.e. Grade 12 or 'A' levels). Infused with a lot of extra-curricular activities, it hopes to make learning fun and interesting for the students. Godly character training is also a core part of the ACE learning experience. Together it forms a holistic approach to learning.

In a typical classroom setting, the faster students will be bored by the slower average pace. Slower students, however, will be pressured to catch up. With the ACE program it is uniquely different; each student will be learning at his/her own pace. Coupled with a mastery-based curriculum, each student gains in self-confidence as the lesson progresses.

While the academic year is from January to December, enrollment can be at any time of the year. Each student entering the ACE program is given diagnostic tests to determine skill and concept mastery. Diagnostic placement testing ensures that students begin at the exact point of their academic needs.

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